Every quarter, atlassian goes through a ritual called shipit day. Atlassian每个季度都会举办一次名叫ShipItDay的活动。
The situation is so dire that a quarter of Americans eat fast food every day. 形势如此严峻,以至于四分之一的美国人每天都吃快餐。
-Picking your nose: the unappealing but common habit of ingesting` nasal detritus` offers almost no nutritional benefit, so why do a quarter of teenagers do it, on average four times a day? 6-挖鼻孔:这个讨人嫌却又很普遍的行为并无任何益处,那么为什么近1/4的青少年要这么做呢?而且平均每天要挖四次。
More than a quarter of employees feel dread and anxiety the day before returning to work after a day or weekend off, according to a UK mental health report featured in the Guardian. 根据英国《卫报》上发表的一份香港香港精神健康报告显示,至少四分之一的员工会在回归工作的前一天感到疲乏和焦虑。
A new study says that if you eat just a quarter pound of meat every day, it could give you a higher risk of dying from cancer and heart disease. 美国的一项最新研究表明,如果每天吃大约100克肉,就会更有可能死于癌症和心脏病这样的致命疾病。
Mr Chen says these account for about a quarter of the 4,000 packages his company handles every day. 陈千表示,他公司每天处理的4000个包裹中,约四分之一是假包裹。
The average American consumes anywhere from a quarter to a half pound of sugar a day. 普通的美国人平均每天消耗的糖分在四分之一磅到半磅(约合110克至220克)之间。
Almost three quarters of people said that they often do not leave their house on a Sunday, while 46 per cent confess they rarely speak to anyone on the phone either. More than a quarter said it is the dullest day because it is full of chores. 3/4的人表示周末一般不出门,而46%的人则承认自己很少跟人煲电话。超过1/4的人觉得周日是最无聊的一天,因为有一大堆家务要做。
In the first quarter the company estimated it had 77 million unique visitors per day to its website. 该公司估计,今年一季度其网站日独立访问流量为7700万。
Even in Thailand, supposedly a middle-income country, more than a quarter of its population lives on less than$ 2 a day. 即使在被视为中等收入国家的泰国,也有超过四分之一的人口每天生活费用不足2美元。
Audio consumes about a quarter of the data that video does, but10 minutes a day will break the bank if you're on a200 megabyte plan. 音频的流量消耗约是视频的四分之一,但是每天十分钟的音频也会耗尽每月200兆字节的套餐。
This custom is no longer observed in England, though in Scotland the day is still significant in the calendar as a quarter day. 这个风俗现在英国已没有了,但在苏格兰日历中,这一天仍然有意义,是结帐日。
This Julian calendar added an extra day every four years to account for the quarter day. 这个儒略历每四年多加一天以计入那四分之一天。
For example, in a time dimension containing the levels year, quarter, month, and day, January is a descendant of1997. 例如,在包含年、季度、月份和天级别的时间维度中,一月是1997的一个后代。
According to statistic experts, the second quarter has one more working day than the first quarter. On the other hand, the second quarter this year has two working days less than the second quarter in last year. 统计专家说,第二季的工作天数较第一季多了一天,但较去年第二季少了两个工作天。
Fortunately for some though, over a quarter ( 27 per cent) said they forgot what they were told the following day. 不过幸运的是,超过四分之一(27%)的人在第二天就把听来的八卦给忘了。
I am working in nearly a quarter of a day. 一天里差不多四分之一的时间我都在工作。
According to the research one in three dream about work when they are stressed in their job and a quarter stated that they dream about a colleague if there was a conflict with them earlier that day. 根据该调查,三分之一的人在工作中感到压力时晚上会做和工作相关的梦,四分之一的人称如果当天和某位同事发生冲突,夜里就会梦见那位同事。
Worryingly, almost a quarter ( 23 per cent) of people said they felt stressed every day. 令人担忧的是,大约四分之一的人说他们每天都感受着压力。
But with a quarter of the UK workforce working from home at least one day a week, we are already living this futuristic lifestyle& yet it's not turning out quite as planned. 而是用四分之一的劳动力在家中工作至少一星期一次,我们已经生活在这种未来的生活方式中&但是,这并没有像预期的那样。
Brisk vigorous concentration for a quarter of an hour on the first day may be gradually expangded into two hours or more at the end of the month. 自信而又活力的专注,从第一天的一刻钟逐渐增加到一个月最后一天的两个小时或者更多。
When we was ready to shove off we was a quarter of a mile below the island, and it was pretty broad day; 我们准备划走的时候,已经是在小岛下游四分之一英里的地段。
A dimension that breaks time down into levels such as year, quarter, month, and day. 将时间划分为年、季度、月和天之类的级别的维度。
Kapok finally opened in the last quarter of the day, day and night to usher in the thinking of the lovers, both entered the bridal chamber. 终于在一季木棉花开的日子里,迎来了日夜思念的恋人,双双步入洞房。